Transforming Data

Polymatheia provides a simple language for transforming one record structure into another. The primary use for this is to map the nested record structure provided by most archives into the flat structure needed for outputting to CSV or Pandas for further processing.

Basic transformations

The transformations use tuples, similar to the way the filtering works. The following basic transforms are supported:

  • ('copy', target, source): copy the value identified by the dotted path source to the location specified by the dotted path target.

  • ('static', target, value): set the static value at the location specified by the dotted path target.

  • ('fill', target, value): set the static value at the location specified by the dotted path target IF there is no pre-existing value at the dotted path target or if that value is None.

  • ('join', target, joiner, source1, source2, ...): join together the values identified by the dotted paths source1, source2, … using the string joiner and set it at the location specified by the dotted path target.

  • ('custom', target, function): call the function function with the record as the parameter and store the returned value at the location specified by the dotted path target.

The following code copies the first value from the dcLanguage field in the source record into a lang field in the result record:

from import LocalReader
from polymatheia.transform import RecordsTransform

reader = LocalReader('europeana_json')
mapping = ('copy', 'lang', 'dcLanguage[0]')
transformed = RecordsTransform(reader, mapping)
for record in transformed:

Joining values

To join values from different source fields use the following code:

from import LocalReader
from polymatheia.filter import RecordsFilter
from polymatheia.transform import RecordsTransform

reader = LocalReader('europeana_json')
filtered = RecordsFilter(reader, ('and', ('exists', ['edmPlaceLatitude']), ('exists', ['edmPlaceLongitude'])))
mapping = ('join', 'lat_lon', ',', 'edmPlaceLatitude[0]', 'edmPlaceLongitude[0]')
transformed = RecordsTransform(filtered, mapping)
for record in transformed:

Custom transformations

The custom transformation allows for custom transformation defined either via lambda functions or full functions:

mapping = ('custom', 'title_tokens', lambda record: len(record.title[0].split()))
transformed = RecordsTransform(reader, mapping)
for record in transformed:

The transformation function must take a single parameter, which is the source record, and return a single value.

Complex transformations

Two types of complex transformations are provided by Polymatheia. Parallel transformations result in output records that have more than one field, while sequential transformations allow for transformations to be run in sequence.

Parallel transformations

Parallel transformations make it possible to create transformed records that have multiple fields:

from import LocalReader
from polymatheia.filter import RecordsFilter
from polymatheia.transform import RecordsTransform

reader = LocalReader('europeana_json')
filtered = RecordsFilter(reader, ('and', ('exists', ['edmPlaceLatitude']), ('exists', ['edmPlaceLongitude'])))
mapping = ('parallel', ('copy', 'id', 'id'),
                       ('copy', 'lang', 'dcLanguage[0]'),
                       ('join', 'lat_lon', ',', 'edmPlaceLatitude[0]', 'edmPlaceLongitude[0]'),
                       ('custom', 'title_tokens', lambda record: len(record.title[0].split())))
transformed = RecordsTransform(filtered, mapping)
for record in transformed:

Sequential transformations

The most common sequential transformation is to use a copy transformation to copy a value, followed by a fill transformation to set an explicit “missing” value:

from import LocalReader
from polymatheia.filter import RecordsFilter
from polymatheia.transform import RecordsTransform

reader = LocalReader('europeana_json')
mapping = ('sequence', ('copy', 'lang', 'dcLanguage[0]'),
                       ('fill', 'lang', 'NA'))
transformed = RecordsTransform(reader, mapping)
for record in transformed:

This works because the copy transformation sets the result value to None, if there is no value at the dotted path in the source record. These None values are then filled using the fill transformation.

Complete example

Here is an more complete example combining parallell and sequential transformations:

from import LocalReader
from polymatheia.filter import RecordsFilter
from polymatheia.transform import RecordsTransform

reader = LocalReader('europeana_json')
filtered = RecordsFilter(reader, ('and', ('exists', ['edmPlaceLatitude']), ('exists', ['edmPlaceLongitude'])))
mapping = ('parallel', ('copy', 'id', 'id'),
                       ('sequence', ('copy', 'lang', 'dcLanguage[0]'),
                                    ('fill', 'lang', 'NA')),
                       ('join', 'lat_lon', ',', 'edmPlaceLatitude[0]', 'edmPlaceLongitude[0]'),
                       ('custom', 'title_tokens', lambda record: len(record.title[0].split())))
transformed = RecordsTransform(filtered, mapping)
for record in transformed: